
Fire damper

Fire dampers are passive fire protection products installed in ventilation, air-conditioning and smoke extract ducts to prevent the spread of fire inside the ductwork through fire compartment walls and floors.

Fire/smoke dampers are like fire dampers in fire resistance rating with added feature in prevent the spread of smoke inside the ducts from one compartment to another. When a rise in temperature occurs due to flame or heated smoke particles, the temperature rated fusible link soldering will melt and closed the fire damper. Fire damper can be of louvered or shutter type both are temperature activated through a fire incident. Motorised fire dampers can also be activated in closing mode upon receipt of an electrical signal from a fire alarm system from a duct detector installed inside the duct. Motorised dampers can also be manually operated by firefighters in controlling smoke extraction in disaster management. They are mounted where ventilation or smoke extract ductwork passes through compartmentation walls or floors.


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