
Passive Fire Protection Systems

Means of egress

Fire does not normally start in two different places in a building at the same time but may propagate through riser ducts or shafts. At the initial state, fire poses a danger only in the part of the building in which it...


Compartmentation is an architectural design process in providing any part of a building which is separated from all other parts by one or more compartment walls or compartment floors or by both such walls and floors...

Fire damper

Fire dampers are passive fire protection products installed in ventilation, air-conditioning and smoke extract ducts to prevent the spread of fire inside the ductwork through fire compartment walls and floors...

Fire stopping

Fire stopping are at times refer to as fire barrier system The fundamental principle in compartmentation is that the floors and walls forming the compartment must be maintained. Buildings under construction tend to...

Pressurization system

A pressurization system is intended to keep protected escape routes of a building clear of smoke by means of introducing sufficient fresh air to maintain a positive pressure in protected escape routes against...

Fire rated ductwork

In general, ductwork may pass through compartment walls or floors which have a prescribed fire resistance period in terms of load-bearing capacity (stability), integrity and insulation criteria. It is critical for the...

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