Reading broadens one’s perspective and mind in any areas of expertise. To acquire knowledge on fire engineering, one must read books, periodicals, journals and magazines. Increasingly, information comes in digital format, which can be assessed online via internet.
Books on Fire Engineering are often a rich source of useful technical information. In additional to academic empirical formula, it also at times contains vast experience of the authors. Some of these technical books will provide readers valuable research data that verifies fire behavior effect and impact of fire scenarios without having to side-guess or argue about hypotheses conditions. Nevertheless, it is imperative that technical data or statistics contained in the books will need to be updated from time to time to reflect up-to-date information. Journals and magazines, on the other hand feed current news and events on fire engineering design concept; development of firefighting systems/equipments, etc. You can also find published research papers authored by fire scientists and researchers around the world from periodicals and technical journals.
Practicing engineers can keep abreast of the latest development and knowledge in their areas by constant learning and through professional development programs.
- Malaysian Standards
- Series of standards on Fire published by Standards Malaysia/SIRIM Berhad.
- Fire Services Act 1988 (Act 341)
- An act to make necessary provision for the effective and efficient functioning of the Fire Services Department, for the protection of persons and property from fire risks and for purposes connected therewith.
- Uniform Building By-laws 1984 (2012 Amendment)
- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 133 of the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974, the Ministry / State Authority makes the Uniform Building By-laws 1984.
- Guide to Fire Protection in Malaysia (IFE Malaysia Branch Publications)
- The 2nd Edition of the Guide is an invaluable source of reference to all those who are involved in Fire Safety Engineering and fire protection industry. It clarifies the intent and interpretation of the Fire Safety aspects of the UBBL 1984 to all users, and in so doing, bring about consistency and efficiency in the industry to benefit the members of the public.
- International Fire Professional Journal
- Published by Fire Protection Association & The Institution of Fire Engineers
- A Guide to Fatal Fire Investigation
- The frequency of fire deaths that one person has to deal with during his/her career are so few that no real experience of the behaviour of the human body and its reaction to different fire circumstances can be easily gathered. The main purpose of this book is to help fire officers gain from the knowledge and experience of others in fatal fire investigations. It is intended to provide those who have an investigative involvement at the scene of fatal fires with basic guide to the common types of incident that may be encountered. (Author – D Leitch)
- The Principles of Fire Investigation
- This book is intended for those whose duties include the investigation of fires, particularly fire officers, police officers and forensic scientists. The authors are Home Office forensic scientists. Elementary and more advanced material are included in the text. No two fires behave in exactly the same manner and it is possible to find particular circumstances in which many normally accepted patterns of behaviour do not apply. (Authors – Roy A Cooke & Rodger H. Ide)
- Airports and Aircraft Fire Protection, Firefighting and Rescue Techniques (2nd Edition)
- The target population for this book is the international readership of all those involved with fire protection, firefighting and rescue in the airport or aircraft industry, as well as local authority rescue and fire service personnel, emergency planners, ambulance and medical care authorities, military authorities, as well as many other parties who have a technical or a general interest in the subject. There is an increasing interest in making aircraft more safe and accidents survivable. The trend is for increasing numbers of people to travel by air and for aircraft to get larger in order to meet that demand. On the ground arrangements to deal with passengers and freight mean that airport terminals are also increasing in size and sophistication and the consequent fire protection measures must be sufficient to ensure the safety of people and the protection of goods within those buildings. Maybe it is inevitable that accidents, crashes and fires will always happen and, when they do, there is a need for an efficient and effective rescue and firefighting service with personnel who are trained both theoretically and practically in rescue and firefighting techniques. This book is written in the main with these personnel in mind; in all probability they may only attend one major incident in their careers. It is therefore essential that they get their procedures and techniques right first time as they are dealing in seconds of time rather than minutes. This book is meant as a helpful guide. (Author – R.W. Docherty)
- Handbook for Fire Engineers
- It is unusual, but necessary, to have so many different subjects within one publication. The new student may at first be overwhelmed by the range of detail, but diligence will be rewarded. The more experienced Officer will find the book well-balanced with clear explanations on systems, procedures and legislation. (Authors – Peter G Edgerley and Peter G Robinson
- Fire Technology – Chemistry and Combustion (3rd Edition)
- The authors have included both simple and more advanced work in the text. Several experiments are described to serve as reminders of work that has been demonstrated in the classroom or laboratory. There are questions listed at the end of chapters and, where calculation is involved, answers are supplied at the end of the book. It is not intended that this book should serve as a self-contained text-book for examination study, but the authors have tried to indicate which sections should be included in a first reading. (Authors – D.M. Wharry & R. Hirst)
- Fire Technology – Calculations
- The intention of the authors, both of whom are practical firemen, is to enable the reader to obtain an insight into the subject and to provide the stimulus for study of its contents and an understanding of the principles involved. Part 1 of the book is devoted to showing the student how to work things out – how to calculate. Part 2 covers practical calculations of the related science and engineering principles of Fire Technology. Part 3 consists entirely of questions from previous examinations set by the Institution with worked examples showing the answers. (Authors – P.A.D. Sheen & A. Gray)
- Equal Opportunities – Introduction to Total Quality Management
- The purpose of Equal Opportunities is to ensure that there is no unjustifiable discrimination against any sections of the population, either in access to employment or in employment practices. The main thrust of equality legislation is centred around three areas – that of race, sex and disability – although there are other topics which are recognised as equality issues, such as sexual orientation, harassment, offenders, age. This booklet is the first in a series being produced by the Institution on management-related topics. It is the first publication which has been specifically aimed at Equal Opportunities in the Fire Service and will, therefore, serve as a reference document for Fire Service personnel managers throughout the UK. It is hoped that this booklet will help Fire Authorities ensure their own Equal Opportunities policies are comprehensive and effective. (Author – Margaret J Penton)
- Introduction to Total Quality Management
- Maintaining and improving the quality of services provided by a Local Authority Fire Service is a task faced by all members of the Service. In common with other organisations, many brigades have introduced a number of quality initiatives aimed at developing various aspects of their service and this book allows the reader to gain from the knowledge and experience of others. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a concept which is being increasingly recognised as a means of producing continuous improvement in all sectors of industry, commerce and service organisations. It is an idea which has been shown to be useful and can contribute to the science and practice of fire engineering. The purpose of this book is to give an introduction to the subject, its principles, methods and pitfalls. It cannot claim to be comprehensive, but gives many references and suggestions for further reading. (Author – Glenys Southworth)
- Risk Assessment for the Emergency Services
- This monograph arose out of a growing awareness in the UK Fire Service that risk assessment and risk management now form an essential part of the way in which the risks associated with being a firefighter are dealt with and minimised. There is now a legal responsibility to carry out risk assessment in a formal and prescribed manner. The title “Risk Assessment for the Emergency Services” highlights the need for risk assessment by all the emergency services. It is, however, written mainly from a Fire Service viewpoint since in most cases it is the firefighter who will be involved operationally in hazardous situations. (Author – R.A. Klein)
- Disasters and Emergencies: Managing the Response
- Bill Tucker served as a member of the British Fire Service for over 29 years. His interest in disaster management and subsequent academic award of an MSc degree stemmed from his involvement with the Lockerbie Air Disaster in1988, when he led the firefighting and recovery operations in the early stages of the incident. Most of us will never experience disaster but, because disasters are rare events does not mean that they can be ignored. In this book, Bill Tucker competently and comprehensively shows how the desire to be ready can be planned and personnel enabled to respond effectively. This overview of disaster management is aimed at those involved in disaster preparedness, the emergency services and the voluntary support agencies who need to be prepared to think about dealing with the unthinkable. (Author – W.R. Tucker)
- Guide to the Principles of Fire Safety Engineering
- This guide builds on publications from the Institution of Fire Engineers and other design codes to provide guidance to fire engineers, other professionals and students on the principles of fire safety engineering. It defines what fire safety engineering is and when it should be used. The use of acceptance criteria to manage fire risk is also described. The guide also discusses the fire safety engineering process in terms of science and engineering, design scenarios and real fires and the needs of fire fighters. It also considers the implications of fire safety engineering for the approvals process.
- Elementary Fire Engineering Handbook (3rd Edition)
- This is the 3rd edition of this popular publication, which has now been revised and extended, not only to appeal to students studying for the Preliminary Examination, but also to those wishing to gain a basic understanding of a wide range of Fire Engineering subjects. It is hoped that for whatever purpose the material is used, it will act as a stimulus to further study of this important and ever expanding discipline.
- Urban Search and Rescue in Collapsed Structure
- This new edition of the IFSTA Technical Rescue for Structural Collapse has been developed in partnership with the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) and is aimed primarily at rescuers worldwide. This edition features terminology and techniques used throughout the world. The validation committee for this manual included fire service professionals from Europe, Asia, and Australia. (IFSTA/IFE)
- Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement Study Guide (on CD-ROM)
- These easy-to-use multimedia learning systems are modern, electronic versions of IFSTA’s classic printed study guides. They allow the individual student to proceed through the questions in any order, find out immediately whether their answer is right or wrong and be referred to the source for the correct answer, if necessary. Most questions are in the multiple-choice format that is utilized by civil service and certification examinations. The program also tracks the results of each session as a record of progress. Each time the student goes through the program, the questions are rearranged randomly so each session has a different look.
- Introduction to Fire Origin and Causes (3rd Edition)
- This manual addresses the relevant portions of NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications and NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications. It also addresses certain portions of the Office for Domestic Preparedness (OPD) Emergency Responder Guidelines, 2002 Edition, for firefighters, law enforcement, and emergency medical personnel. The knowledge and skills pertaining to each of these standards are printed in front of the chapters in which they are addressed. The purpose of this manual is to provide a guide for emergency response personnel (ERPs) who are charged with trying to determine the origin and cause of a fire. (IFSTA)
- Principles of Foam Fire Fighting (2nd Edition)
- The purpose of the manual is to provide municipal, rural, industrial, shipboard, and airport fire and emergency services personnel with knowledge on the selection, production and delivery of all types of foam extinguishing agents.
This book is intended to help fire and emergency responders meet the foam requirements contained in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) professional qualifications standards in NFPA 472, standards in:
- NFPA 472, Standard for Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents (2002)
- NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications (2002)
- NFPA 1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications (1998)
- NFPA 1003, Standard for Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications (2000)
- NFPA 1021, Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications (1997)
- NFPA 1051, Standard for Wildland Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications (2002)
- NFPA 1081, Standard for Industrial Fire Brigade Member Professional Qualifications (2001)
- Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident
- This textbook, now validated by IFSTA, is designed to meet the core competencies for Hazardous Materials Technician and Haz Mat On-Scene Incident Commander as outlined in OSHA 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, and the educational competencies referenced in NFPA 472, Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials. (By Greg Noll and Mike Hildebrand)
- Incident Management System Model Procedures Guide for High-Rise Firefighting
- Developed by the US National Fire Service Incident Management System Consortium. This edition directs you in applying the Incident Management System to fires within multistorey structures. Included is information on command procedures, command structure, expanding the command organisation, unified command, and strategies and tactics for high-rise fires. The appendixes include a glossary of terms, sample IMS forms, information on HVAC and ventilation systems, construction considerations and the World Trade Center Towers collapse.
- Incident Management System Model Procedures Guide for Wildland Firefighting
- Developed by the USA National Fire Service Incident Management System Consortium, this manual integrates the principles of wildland fire fighting into the model procedures of the National IMS system. The information in the manual is tailored for both incidents that are handled at the local jurisdiction and those that involve large-scale state or federal assistance. A variety of safety and tactical information pertinent to wildland fire incidents is also provided in this document.
- Guide to the Advanced Fire Safety Engineering of Structures (2007)
- This Guide provides an overview of the available advanced methods for designing structures for fire resistance and should be read in conjunction with the previous publication Introduction to the fire safety engineering of structures, which presented a range of simple design approaches and useful background information. This Guide is aimed at the structural engineer and approving bodies. For the structural engineer, guidance is presented enabling the selection of a suitable advanced design approach, together with identifying the detailed procedures and corresponding tools, which can be used at each stage of the design. An understanding of the important characteristics and parameters, which need to be included within the chosen design approach, is also discussed. By providing guidance on a suitable framework for the design process, together with a simple design checklist, the Guide is also of benefit to approving bodies enabling the right questions to be asked, and informed decisions to be made.
- Introduction to the Fire Safety Engineering of Structures (2003)
- The design of building structures for fire is developing at a significant pace in line with fire safety engineering as a whole. It is certainly starting to have a growing impact on the way structures are designed, procured and specified in many countries throughout the world. New procedures, advanced analytical methods and improved risk assessment techniques are now available to the experienced engineer to support performance-based design for the fire load case. However, this knowledge tends to be in the hands of a few specialists and consequently the Institution of Structural Engineers has identified the need for guidance at a level that will be of value to a wide range of construction professionals.
This guidance has been prepared to provide the engineer, the architect, the regulatory authorities and other construction industry professionals with the inspiration to develop safer and better value solutions for the performance of building structures during fire. There is a considerable opportunity for the engineer and the architect to work together to develop improved designs based on new and developing technologies within a sensible regulatory framework.
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